Co-op Advertising

Earn up to $1,500 Co-op Dollars per year (Oct – Sept) reimbursed in FROG® Systems or FROG promotional items and apparel, by advertising the FROG products you carry.

Customize a pre-made template or create your own ad and submit art and any related costs for approval.

Upon approval we’ll give you an approved Co-op Dollar amount to spend on FROG Systems or FROG promotional items and apparel with a link to the order page.

Complete Co-op Advertising Guidelines

Need Help Getting Started? Contact

Co-op Advertising Options:

Want to customize one of our templates?

Click on the button below to email Sales Support with your request. Provide the following information:

  1. Which template you want to use
  2. Attach any logos you want included
  3. List any company information or other text you want to add